Indigenous organizations
Indigenous associations and organizations first emerged in various regions of Brazil in the 1980s. But they really multiplied after the promulgation of the new Federal Constitution in 1988 and the possibility afforded by the new legislation for these associations to become legal entities.
Who speaks in the name of the Indians?
by Beto RicardoOrganizations in Amazonia
by Bruce AlbertThese new forms of political representation symbolize the incorporation by some indigenous peoples of mechanisms that allow them to deal with the institutional world of national and international society. They also allow them to coordinate territorial demands (land demarcation and control of natural resources), public service issues (healthcare, education, transportation and communication) and commercial affairs (placement of products on the market).
List of indigenous organizations
Below we provide a compilation of the indigenous organizations throughout the country. If you have any comments, suggestions, corrections or additions to make in relation to this list, please contact us.
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